Our primary and orientation (middle?) school is currently attended by around 190 pupils. (There are about 190 pupils presently attending our primary and middle school.) Lessons take place in mixed year groups (1-3 and 4-6) and are generously equipped with Montessori materials, which are freely available to every pupil.

In each of the four learning groups in grades 1-3 and 4-6, there are three mixed year groups, each led by a team of teachers. Throughout the entire primary and orientation stage, your child will be individually guided through their personal learning process by experienced and committed Montessori teachers, mostly in pairs. (Not necessary- it is mentioned in the previous sentence)

Individuelles Lernen und ganzheitliche Bildung brauchen Zeit. Aus diesem Grund wird die Bilinguale Montessori-Schule als verpflichtende Ganztagsschule geführt. Unsere Schule ist täglich ab 7:30 Uhr geöffnet, der verpflichtende Unterricht endet um 15:00 Uhr. Darüber hinaus bieten wir an vier Tagen bis 16:45 Uhr attraktive Nachmittagsangebote an. Diese finden klassen- und altersübergreifend statt, unterstützen damit soziale Kontakte, sorgen für ein gutes Schulklima und eine stärkere Identifikation mit der eigenen Schule. 

For us, a classroom is more than just a place to teach

We aim to provide a learning environment for your child by creating a unique didactically prepared environment that is stimulating and creates learning incentives that enable each child to work independently.

Free work is the core of teaching at the Bilingual Montessori School and therefore a central part of the morning lessons. This means that your child decides for themselves which topic they work on, where and with whom. The child therefore determines his or her own pace and rhythm. However, the freedom of the individual ends where it restricts the freedom of others.

There is a clearly structured framework within which the child can move freely. This is based on the child's ability to take responsibility for themselves and their environment.

School starts at 8:00 a.m. at the latest. However, many pupils make use of the early start at 7:30 am. Lessons end at 3:00 p.m. on Mondays - Fridays. Regular lessons take place during this time. We do not have "timed" lessons. No chimes interrupt the pupils. This enables undisturbed and concentrated work, means more peace and quiet and offers the opportunity for individual breaks.

At lunchtime, the long break is combined with lunch. Here too, your child is free to decide whether to go to break first and then eat lunch or whether to go straight to the canteen and then let off steam and relax in the break area.

After the lunch break, there is a half-hour reading time, followed by more in-depth work on projects, tasks and materials until 3:00 p.m. We then offer attractive afternoon activities from Monday to Thursday until 5:00 p.m.

In grades 5 and 6, interdisciplinary learning - Maria Montessori called this cosmic education - plays a major role. Networked learning and global thinking are important skills that our pupils acquire through this teaching principle. We want to maintain the joy of learning through open forms of teaching and lead the pupils to greater independence in the various learning processes.

French is offered from the 6th grade.